So, a couple of weeks ago I started working on challenging project - imgBox. imgBox is a jQuery plugin that implements a smooth zoom effect on images. Download it, try it, let me know what you think.
I was recently asked to help creating very cool hover effect. I played around with it a little bit and come up with solution I would like to share.
In this post I want to explain how to turn old boring image viewer into a nice-looking one with jQuery. It's simple just using some lines of java-script code. Implement this and enrich animation features to your web projects.
I love the simplicity of using (and more important re-using) jQuery plugins. So I decided to release a plugin that came from my personal need - Feature List. This jQuery plugin enables simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget.
Image Viewers are fairly common on websites now-a-days. In this tutorial we'll cover how to create a image viewer using CSS, HTML and a touch of jQuery. We will use jQuery builtin slideUp and slideDown functions to create an attractive effect.